Kindergarten Readiness: Sensory Play for May #4

Breakfast time on the weekend may be less hectic than during the week and give you and your child some opportunities for sensory play, fun, learning and kindergarten readiness. The two senses that will be the most stimulated are sense and taste, but there’s lots to see, hear, and touch too.

developing kindergarten readinessIs there time to make some pancakes? It might be an idea to put aprons on first. Sprinkle a spoon of flour on the counter or a tray and let your child spread it around. Just a bit of cinnamon smells wonderful and tastes good in pancakes. You can give your child a sprinkle to mix with the flour for touching and smelling. Once you’ve added the liquid to the flour in the bowl kids can help stir and watch how it turns from powder to batter. When the batter is spooned into the hot pan, what kind of sounds does it make? Make sure kids are not too close as they listen and watch. Time to flip the pancakes and then eat them. Adults might need to help pour the syrup. Can you taste the cinnamon?

After breakfast, kids can help with the cleanup. A bit of water in the sink and some spoons, small plastic containers, plastic bottles, and a sponge will keep a little one occupied for quite a while. If some spills, it’s thankfully only water. Kids will happily measure, scoop, and pour as they play in the water and maybe give the grownups time for a cup of coffee.

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