Summer Fun Activities for Learning & Kindergarten Readiness

Some summer activities depend on the weather but a visit to the local library is fun any day and boosts learning and kindergarten readiness too. On rainy days a visit to the library gives only a little outside time but it doesn’t feel like being stuck inside. On sunny days, you and your child can check out some books to enjoy outside in the yard or in the park, curled up in a patch of warm sun or spread out in the cool shade.

summer fun activities for kidsDid you know that reading at home to your child is a powerful way to support learning? It only takes a few books a day, several times a week to pile up to hundreds and hundreds of stories in a year, and thousands before a child starts school. As we share books and stories with kids, their brains record all that language and make important connections, such as the one that the squiggles in a book contain meaning.

Besides visiting the community library, kids can make their very own at home. Boxes on their sides can hold books for browsing. A little table can be the checkout desk. Kids can make up a library card and find pillows to sit on. No worries about fines.

At the dollar store, pick up some blank books or scrapbooks and let kids make their books. They can exchange these with friends. Have kids draw pictures, photocopy them a few times, and make coloring books for friends. Several kids can make 2 or 3 drawings each and share them for bigger books.

Telling stories is sometimes even more fun than reading them in a book. Here’s a start to inspire you and your child to create one. “One summer day, the family was going to the library, when all of a sudden they saw all the books running out the door!”  Can you think of some more library fun and learning and finish this story?

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