Learning happens when a task or activity is done frequently. Every fall, there is a great opportunity for both fun with kids and encouraging their early learning by making applesauce. The directions of: wash apples, cut them, remove core, cut into smaller pieces and cook with a bit of water , are so standard that we don’t even think about them. To kids tho, this is mysterious.The ingredients of apples, water, and cinnamon, with sweetener depending on the tartness of the apples, are ordinary, but the results are almost magical. All their senses are involved and kids can be involved in every step, making it even more exciting. (Directions: Wash, then cut 3-5 apples into smaller pieces or slices; peeling is optional. Using a plastic knife, kids can help cut the slices or pieces. Place in a saucepan, add about 1/2 cup of water, a few shakes of cinnamon and sugar or honey to taste. Cook until soft, about 20 minutes. Make sure to cool before eating.)
Some of the learning might be how heat changes food, how apples have seeds, doing steps in a particular order, following directions, and certainly using language. Kids get to practice a variety of actions such as slicing, stirring, measuring, and more. The working together and cooperating adds to the growth of social skills. Emotionally, the feelings of accomplishment and success are very rewarding. The experience adds to children’s confidence and development of self-reliance. All this learning makes for quite a package to a dish of applesauce. No wonder it’s worth doing over and over every year. The video below of an older brother and younger sister making applesauce is really sweet. Is this an activity that you have tried with your child?