Pink Shirt Day Reminds Us How To Be Friends

What is Pink Shirt Day? Pink Shirt Day reminds us how to be friends and we celebrate it by wearing pink shirts. It started by a simple act of kindness and compassion with an anti-bullying message.

pink shirt day friends

This day was born ten years ago. A high school student noticed another student being bullied after he wore a pink shirt to school. Because he had been bullied too he was bothered by the situation. He and a friend bought dozens and dozens of pink shirts and passed them out to others to all wear at school. The message spread and more people joined in. Now, it is spreading around the world and including people of all ages.

Earlier this month, I saw an article headline that concerns preschool children, “Nurseries urged to provide a ‘safe space’ for boys to wear pink and girls to be builders.” It seems no matter how hard we try and be neutral, somehow kids pick up that some toys and clothes are for girls, that is pink and dolls, and some are for boys, like blue and action figures. As young as kids are in preschool programs, they encounter what the article calls ‘gender-police.’ Fortunately, “…children are very understanding and accepting, they simply need to have the situation explained to them,” that all kids can play with all toys and not everyone will like the same things. It’s okay for some girls to play with building blocks and some boys to play with dolls. It’s okay for boys and girls to both wear pink and blue.

pink shirt day acts of kindness

Pink Shirt Day reminds us how to be friends. It not only promotes understanding, it also encourages us to support each other. We need to be more accepting and offer each other kindness. Even a small act of kindness can mean a huge difference to another person. It can grow and create amazing connections. In the spirit of Pink Shirt Day, no matter where you live, can you encourage your child to do something kind for someone else?


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