This is a whole new year. Each year has 4 parts or seasons. We are now in the season of …brr…winter. For many of us, winter means snow, for some of us rainy weather, and for most of us cooler temperatures. To help make the transition back to non-holiday routine, spend some time with your child outside today. Together, go for a walk to observe the changes in your neighborhood that say Winter. Ask your little one if the trees are different? What about the lawns? Do you see any flowers? What’s on the ground? Notice the clothes that people are wearing. Back inside, kids may want to draw a picture and display it on the fridge. What’s colder-outside or fridge? Can you make ice outside?
Such simple activities as going for a walk outside help your kidlet with kindergarten readiness. Your child is observing nature, using language, engaging in conversation, questioning, wondering and more.
Is it cold enough to make hot chocolate inside?