Readiness for Kindergarten – Hearts & Other Parts, Part 1

You can’t beat February and hearts for learning ideas, (pun intended:). Today’s activity suggestion uses hearts and other parts.

Very young little ones enjoy playing the game where adults ask them to point to parts of their face even if we have to supply the answers, “Where’s your nose?” “Here it is. That’s a nose.” Later they can say the words when we point either to them or to ourselves. Older kids can add some other parts like hand, foot, tummy, head, neck, knee, etc.  As children are able, we can introduce more words too, such as shoulder, elbow, chin, cheek, eyebrow, forehead and others.

To help kids learn about bodies and parts there are fun songs like Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes. Make up some additional verses–Hands and Fingers, Hips and Ankles–whatever you like. The Hokey Pokey can have endless verses. Simon Says is a fun game to play using words for parts of the body, too. If English is an additional language for your family, these simple songs help for language learning. (Reminder to Self: Look on Youtube for a Spanish version. This will give me some fun and easy practice as I learn another language. )

Learning about bodies helps for kindergarten readiness. Some typical readiness for kindergarten questions will ask kids to name body parts. This gives an idea of children’s background information so teachers know where to start to interest kids at a comfortable level. How many body parts can you and your child name from head to toes?



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