Fairy Yoga Play for Kids – Fairy Activities #14

Each year at the start of summer it’s International Yoga Day but yoga can happen any time. Let’s try some fairy yoga play for kids—and grownups too.

Some of these yoga poses are from mom Giselle in a Fairy Yoga post on KidsYogaStories.com. The kids and I have done yoga a few times. Needless to say, they bend their bodies much easier than I do mine.

Not all fantasy creatures fly unless they have wings. This flying pose is usually called Warrior Pose 3, but instead of arms stretched in front, they are at the sides. Balance on one leg, lift the other behind you. Change to the other side and leg.yoga play

The butterfly pose also has wings but this time, legs are wings instead of arms. Sit tall and bend legs down with the bottoms of feet together. Move knees up and down to fly. Who might use their leg to fly?butterfly yoga pose kids

Some fairy beings swim, like water sprints and nymphs. Lie down on the floor or a mat on your tummy. Lift up the top part of your body, including arms. This little one has part of it but we caught the photo before she got her arms up. Move arms to swim.

yoga play for kids

Fairies, elves, dwarves, gnomes, sprites, imps,  and other beings are often found in forests. What are forests made of? Trees, so we did a tree pose. Stand tall and stretch arms high into the sky. Bend and lift one leg soit rests on the other knee.

yoga play for kids

Have you ever seen one of these beings? They can be very still and quiet. Practice lying on your back with arms and legs a little spread out. Breathe in and out softly and slowly. Big Sister is showing us this one. yoga for kids

Yoga benefits us on different levels. Increased strength, coordination, balance, body awareness, and flexibility are some physical ones. The brain builds mind-body connections and practices focus and concentration. Emotionally, yoga increases self-regulation and relaxation, and decreases anxiety and stress. We all know kids absolutely need to move. Yoga can help meet that need.  Can your child’s day include some fairy yoga play?


P.S. Just like our other fairy activities, this can be done by both girls and boys. There will be more plays-of-the-day  on the blog tomorrow.


Magic Milk Swirling Color Science Experiment – Fairy Activities #13

The Google doodle for Oskar Fischinger was a swirl of color, shapes, and sounds; it inspired this visual magic milk swirling color science experiment. The sound was our squeals of wonder as we watched the art-in-action in a dish. Usually, this magic milk swirling color science experiment is done with red, blue, and yellow food coloring. When coloring Easter eggs, we used up the blue and yellow. Somewhere in the cupboard there is a brand new box but all we could find was the old box with red and green.

magic milk swirling color science experiment

To start, pour a little bit of milk in a flat dish like a saucer or shallow, wide bowl. You will need milk with fat content, not skim. Someday, we want to try this using cream to see if there is a difference. Carefully squeeze in a couple drops of each color in different spots. At this point, kids really want to mix the colors. Instead, talk about what might happen, then watch. What does happen? Do the colors move or mix? There isn’t much going on.

<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-21954" src="https://123kindergarten.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/milk-color-1-300x225.jpg" alt="magic milk swirling color science experiment" width="300" height="225" />

Squirt a couple drops of liquid dish soap into a small lid. We use soap to wash hands and dishes; will the soap wash the colors? Dip a q-tip into the soap and then dip it into the middle (more or less) of the puddle of milk and color. Take the q-tip right out. No stirring needed. The colors start to tumble, mix, swirl, and dance on their own. Is that what the colors did before using the bit of soap? What made the difference? There’s lots to talk and wonder about now. The action just keeps happening, almost as if it’s magic.

magic milk swirling colors science experiment

After watching this for a bit, kids just have to stir with the q-tip. Of course, the colors really do mix now to make a muddy pool. Who could resist?magic milk swirling colors science experiment

Did we need fairy dust for this magic milk swirling color science experiment? Nope, just a little soap added to the milk and color. There is a scientific explanation involving how molecules breakdown and combine, but to the eyes it looks like magic. Once done stirring, it’s easy to wash up with the dish soap. What other magic can soap do?

No need for a magic wand for play activities; come back to the play-of-the-day on 123kindergarten.com.


Simple Summer Nature Fun for Kids – Let’s Celebrate Summer!

Summertime and the livin’ is …outdoors, I hope, especially because kids need nature time! Let’s head outside for some simple summer nature fun today. Wherever your family lives, dress for the weather, be it boots and umbrellas or hats and sunscreen.

simple summer nature fun

1. One of the simplest outdoor nature activities is to check the weather. Open the door and go outside. Look up at the sky and down at the ground for clues. Feel the air with your body. As you put out your hand, say hello to nature and wave.

simple summer nature fun

2. A walk around the block can be an adventure quest. What’s there to see? Sometimes, nature hides in hidden pockets in city spaces, but somewhere there will be grass, trees, and flowers. Ants might be crossing the sidewalk. Turn over a rock to see if there are any bugs and crawlie creatures. Besides eyes, use hears to listen for nature too.

connecting to nature picnic3. Time in nature is food for the mind and the soul. Pack some food for the body and go for a picnic outside.

kids nature collections4. A nature collection is one way to bring nature home. Some things to collect could be rocks, shells, sticks, and plants. This is a photo of a young boy who lives near the ocean and finds bones!

blanket forts outside5. Make a blanket fort outside. Since this is the longest day of the year, it’s also the shortest night. How soon is the sun up where you live?

simple summer nature fun

Backyards and parks are giant trunks with nature gems and other treasures for some simple summer nature fun. And the key? Just some T.I.M.E.

Have you heard the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’? According to writer and researcher, Jackie W,.”it may also be worth a thousand vitamins, especially if the picture is a photograph of a beautiful, old-growth forest. In addition to healing faster, natural views improve your body’s ability to ward off colds and viruses. (13 Reasons That Prove Viewing Nature Scenes Can Improve Your Health)

If just seeing pictures of nature has a positive impact on all aspects of health, how many more vitamins is actually spending time in nature? Richard Louv, who first wrote about nature-deficit disorder in children, calls nature Vitamin N. In his book, Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Nature Rich Life, Louv reminds us kids need regular doses of this vitamin. Daily ones, preferably. Did you know that kids are now spending less time outdoors than prison inmates? Even prisoners think that is a depressing statistic.

Spending time outdoors can be spontaneous or planned, and best of all, easy and simple. What will you do for some simple summer nature fun?

Play ideas are shared everyday on the 123kindergarten blog.

Fairy Lego Fun- Fairy and Elf Activities #12 for Boys and Girls

While there is fairy Lego, boys and girls do not need the special pieces; they can have fairy Lego fun as they build and imagine with any of it. (or Duplo) For a play-of-the-day, let’s create with Lego. Besides fairies, there are trolls, gnomes, sprites, pixies, elves, dwarves, imps, wizards, witches, and other fantasy beings. … Continue reading Fairy Lego Fun- Fairy and Elf Activities #12 for Boys and Girls

Telling Fairy Stories – Fairy and Elf Activities #11 for Boys and Girls

We’ve all heard of fairy tales, which are not always about fairies, but instead of reading about these adventures, how about telling fairy stories? This activity can be done inside, or outside, like we did on a forest and garden tour. Once upon a fairy… Did you know that making up stories with your child … Continue reading Telling Fairy Stories – Fairy and Elf Activities #11 for Boys and Girls

Fairy Nature Soup- Fairy and Elf Activities #10 for Boys and Girls

Fairies, elves, gnomes, sprites, pixies, leprechauns, and other mythical creatures all live in the heart of nature, so they love fairy nature soup. Let’s make some. The recipe for fairy nature soup is simple. It starts with something to make the soup in like a bowl, pail, or pot. If there isn’t one available, no … Continue reading Fairy Nature Soup- Fairy and Elf Activities #10 for Boys and Girls

Fairy Play dough Fun – Fairy and Elf Activities #9 for Boys and Girls

Have you tried fairy playdough? It’s simple and fun with just two ingredients: cornstarch and conditioner. Big Brother played with it all afternoon. Mom Kate at LaughingKidsLearn.com shared the recipe. In a bowl, mix 1 cup of inexpensive hair conditioner and 2½ cups of cornstarch. These are approximate measures and you may need to add … Continue reading Fairy Play dough Fun – Fairy and Elf Activities #9 for Boys and Girls

Fairy Craft – Fairies and Other Creatures at Night in the Forest

We’ve done lots of outside activities for fairies and elves so this afternoon we did a fairy craft of fairies and other creatures at night in the forest. To start, we used a piece of black construction paper to look like night. We went outside and got a few small twigs from some bushes along … Continue reading Fairy Craft – Fairies and Other Creatures at Night in the Forest

Shovel Dirt Fairy Rocks Fun – Fairy & Elf Activities #7 for Boys & Girls

For a magical play formula we discovered a new one: shovel dirt fairy rocks fun. Big Brother loved it. For fairy rocks, we used small flat glass marbles. The dirt was in a big flower bed and the shovel shared the play with a few diggers and dump trucks. The glass marbles are shiny and … Continue reading Shovel Dirt Fairy Rocks Fun – Fairy & Elf Activities #7 for Boys & Girls