
Kindergarten Readiness – Alphabet Eats

Children do not all have the same learning style, nor the same interests. Some children are keen to figure out the alphabet, copy and print letters and learn to write their name. Others are not at all interested to the point where they declare paper and pencil activities their “arch enemies” (direct quote). But all children love cookies. Mix up a batch of dough or use frozen dough–some kinds are better than others. Use only a few letters at a time and just watch how quickly a reluctant learner can identify a letter when the reward is eating the cookie. True, this could also be called bribery but the cookies can be the nutritious kind.

Here are some other ideas for ways to use letters at mealtimes. On pancake mornings pour a little batter in the shape of a letter and wait just a few seconds for the edges to dry. Then pour the rest of the pancake on top of the letter. When you flip the pancake over, it really does show the letter. Oh, the letter needs to be backwards.  For plain pancakes, pour the syrup in a letter. Ketchup can be squirted in letter shapes, too. Carrot slices and circles can make the alphabet. Time for a cup of  T.

Kindergarten Readiness – Chalk it Up

Small muscle coordination is very much at the development stage for young children. Some inexpen- sive chalk and one sidewalk have lots of room for using b-i-g muscles to write out the alphabet. On hot days, an old, large paint brush and a pail of water work for painting the alphabet and for cooling off.  I wonder if I could use this same idea to get my car washed? What letter of the alphabet is always wet? The C (sea). 

Kindergarten Readiness – Fridges and Alphabets

I am almost reluctant to remind families about using magnetic letters as a tool to help children learn the alphabet. Even though it has been years and years, I remember one pre-supper ‘arsenic hour’, when I gave my daughter a few letters to amuse her while I worked in the kitchen. Somehow, one of the letters got caught between the door and the fridge, the door didn’t close, swung back open, causing my daughter to lose her balance and fall on her baby brother.  Supper was late. However, magnetic letters are a good resource. Children not only need to learn 26 letters of the alphabet, they really have to learn 52 with both upper close and lower case.  In any case, (deliberate word play) starting off with just upper case letters is easier. Speaking of fridges, what letter of the alphabet is a vegetable? The letter P(ea).

Kindergarten Readiness – ABC Activities for Learning Styles

Each of us has a preferred learning style. Some people are visual learners, some are auditory and others are kinesthetic. People with a visual learning style prefer seeing or reading about something new; auditory learners like explanations and stories; kinesthetics need hands-on manipulating and feeling. This is very over-simplified. In reality, we learn using all three … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – ABC Activities for Learning Styles

Kindergarten Readiness – Practicing Letters

Motivating a munchkin to practice letters is no trick when the medium is so yummy. Mix up a batch of chocolate pudding, put a couple of spoonfuls onto a big plastic plate or container lid and write away. Licks are allowed. While you are mixing it up, you can take advantage of having close attention and work on … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Practicing Letters

Kindergarten Readiness – A is for Angel in a Tree

One morning this week we woke up to a bright, colorful kite draped across the trees down the hill. The kite wings had an extensive span and the face smiled at us from the treetops. This photo requires lots of imagination, especially because the wind was quite strong and whole hillside seemed to be quivering.  It … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – A is for Angel in a Tree

Kindergarten Readiness – Rainbow Letters

  Motivating a young child to practice printing letters of the alphabet can be quite tricky. Printing is not an easy activity for kids–the necessary muscles and coordination for such fine motor control are still growing.  We can spark their interest and help them practice and develop control with activities that have a little challenge and a big … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Rainbow Letters