
Readiness for Kindergarten – Backpack on Track

Backpacks are on on track for the kindergarten readiness skill of rhyming. What words sound like back and pack? Yak,track, black, tack, jack, quack, crack, etc. Children will learn to rhyme about the age of 4, but in the meantime, they need to hear lots of rhyming words. One way to do this is with books that have lots of rhymes. Very little kidlets may not understand all the words when adults read to them, but rhyming texts tune their ears and minds and set the foundation for this skill. Older children like to predict the words based on the previous rhyme. This story has lots of rhymes about something that is making Lin’s backpack jump and it’s written by Helen Lester.

Another way to help children learn to rhyme is to play with words. On the way to the bus or while doing a task, ask you child if two words rhyme, that is sound the same at the end. For instance, do back and track sound the same? How about pack and dishes? Try a few more and if needed, grownups can supply the answer as well as the question.

Playing with words is more than readiness for kindergarten. It shows children’s phonological awareness–that is, the notion that words are made of sound bits that can be used in various combinations. Rhyming is an activity that is based on the skills of dividing words into their sound parts and then recombining them to make new words, something we do when we’re reading. Did you know that rhyming is used as a quick predictor of children’s readiness for reading? Not all children will be able to rhyme when they start school which shows that some more experience with words is needed. What other words rhyme with back and pack? All this work is making me hungry–is it time for snack to help get the knack?

Readiness for Kindergarten – Camping Helps Reading

As children’s first teachers, parents and caregivers are the ones that start children’s lessons for learning to read. The first ones are of course talking to kids and helping them learn to use language. After that, there is a critical concept that kids seem to learn without our even knowing. This is that words are made of bits of sounds that can be combined in lots of different ways, (phonological awareness). An example of this is the  bits of sounds in cat, the “k” sound and the “at” that can be changed into mat, rat, sat, hat, vat, etc. You may notice that all these words rhyme. Knowing about rhymes is so important that it will impact learning to read. Typically, this is something kids learn about the age of 4. Readiness for kindergarten evaluations often include a rhyming activity.

To help kids figure out that different words can sound almost the same, we need to provide lots of experiences of words that do just that. Songs and books with rhymes can help. “A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee” by Chris Van Dusen is a fun story about Mr. Magee and his dog Dee and their camping adventures, all in rhyme, of course.  

Camping can help with kindergarten readiness in lots of ways. The camping season is just in time to help our kids with words that rhyme. Doesn’t this sound reason–able?

Readiness for Kindergarten – Socks for Learning #4

What rhymes with socks? For those of you who have been following this blog, you know that at least once a month, I post a blog about rhyming. Such a simple, little word game as making words that rhyme really prepares your child for later learning to read. Children need to be able to hear the bits of sounds that make up words and then combine them in different ways. This is called phonological awareness. Later on, these sound bits get attached to letters. For instance, the at in cat is one sound piece that is in mat, hat, and rat. Once a child can read cat, it’s easy to read the other words.

Children will learn to rhyme about the age of 4, but in the meantime, they need to hear lots of rhyming words. This can be in stories, songs, and games. Parents and caregivers usually need to start as they talk to little ones.  “Hey, there’s a rock in my sock. Sock-rock. They sound almost the same. What else sounds like sock?   Block, my sock is going to walk around the block. That sounds the same, too.” Make up some other rhymes, too. If a sock is red, what sounds like that? Or blue?

Word game play is one way to help your child with kindergarten readiness. Does this idea rock your socks?

Readiness for Kindergarten – Rhyme Away May

Today, is the last day of May. Hey, that all rhymes. What else rhymes with may? May–stay, play, hay, lay, pay, ray, way, etc. We’re having a ton of  fun, Hon.   For over a month, I haven’t mentioned rhyming words as an important kindergarten readiness skill, so I can be forgiven for bringing it up … Continue reading Readiness for Kindergarten – Rhyme Away May

Readiness for Kindergarten – What rhymes with bunny?

Funny, but I think it’s been a few weeks since I mentioned rhyming. Rhyming is such a critical skill that it can be used to predict children’s reading success. While the reason isn’t obvious, being able to rhyme shows that children can divide words up into their sound bits and then recombine them to make new words. This … Continue reading Readiness for Kindergarten – What rhymes with bunny?

Kindergarten Readiness – 1, 2 Read to You

1, 2 read to you. 3, 4, here’s some more. Some more ideas for the New Year’s Resolution of reading often to kids, that is. Books that expose children to words that rhyme help big time. Sometimes a kindergarten readiness checklist may ask if children can identify rhyming words. That’s because it’s such a crucial skill … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – 1, 2 Read to You

Kindergarten Readiness – Pirate #6

Why does it take pirates a long time to learn the alphabet? Because they are always at C (sea). One way to practice letters is with play-dough. This helps for all kids, but especially for those who learn best by touch as opposed to visual or verbal learners. Roll out the barrel, er, I mean roll … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Pirate #6

Kindergarten Readiness – Moose #7

What rhymes with moose? Yesterday’s blog talked about phonological awareness, the ability to divide words into sound bits and then put them together differently.  This is a critical and fundamental skill for learning to read. Finding words that start with the same sound is one way of practicing, finding words that end the same is … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Moose #7

Kindergarten Readiness – What Rhymes With Bunny?

Using the theme of Easter, kids have been able to practice some basic math, explore movement and enhance big muscle development, and enjoy an art activity and tradition this week in just minutes a day. Here’s another quick and easy idea but one of critical importance for learning to read. Those of you who read … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – What Rhymes With Bunny?