Valentine activity

February Play-of-the-Day Activities for Fun and Learning

Ya know how sports programs show the play-of-the-day?–well this is a play-of-the-day calendar for fun and learning for the whole month of February! And why you may ask? Because play is a winner since it’s the brain’s favorite way to develop and grow. 90% of the brain develops by the age of 5 and the best way to grow connections and pathways is thru play. So, encouraging play is a no-brainer.

Print off the image below and paste it on the fridge or a bulletin board. Adapt as suits the needs of your family or care centre and let it inspire other ways to play.

February play and learn activities for kids


More February Play & Learn Activities for Kids

The second part of the month is every bit as fun and exciting as the first half. For more February play and learn activities for kids, bake up some valentine cookies, and of course, share some valentines with friends. Chinese New Year’s invities us to come along and join in the fun with a lion dance. Add some red scarves and bells.

For the Olympics, kids can use their bodies in all kinds of ways as they pretend they are part of the Games too. Pink Shirt Day encourages us to be kind to others and show our support for anti-bullying by wearing a pink shirt.

Exploring feelings and faces helps kids learn about emotions and how to tell what others are feelings. February is friend month, and this year we can be friends all around the world!

February play learn activities kids

February Play & Learn Activities for Kids

Even though it’s a shorter month, with so many February play and learn activities it’s a very exciting one. It starts with International Ice Cream for Breakfast Day and then, we watch to see if the Groundhog sees his shadow or not. The Super Bowl inspires lots of fun with throwing, catching, and kicking a ball. Valentine’s Day inspires kindness and friendship. That only takes us to the middle of the month. There’s more to come.

Here’s a calendar of February play and learn activities to start.
Yours in play, Mrs. A.

February play and learn activities for kids

For Kids the Best Valentine is Together Play Time

To a child, love is spelled T.I.M. E. For kids, the best valentine is together play time. Today’s play-of-the-day is suggestions for doing just that. At the very start of the day, even before breakfast, how about a pajama snuggle. If the day isn’t too rushed, instead of a bedtime story, find a favorite book … Continue reading For Kids the Best Valentine is Together Play Time

Kids Nutritious Valentine Chocolate Treats – Yummy and Sensory

When it comes to treats, chocolate often tops the list. Would these kids nutritious valentine chocolate treats appeal to anyone at your house? Food appeals to kids for more than taste. They also like the way food feels and we’ve all seen little ones get hands-on and in with what they are eating. A smoothie … Continue reading Kids Nutritious Valentine Chocolate Treats – Yummy and Sensory

Kids Valentine Movement Activities – Kids Love to Move!

Q. What do kids love? A. They love to move. It’s needed to grow both bodies and minds. Here are some ideas for kids valentine movement activities. Kids seem to have more energy than grownups and directing it can be a challenge. This is a sort of question and answer game using all the different … Continue reading Kids Valentine Movement Activities – Kids Love to Move!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Learn and Play!

Happy Valentine’s Day from Mrs. A at Knock, knock.     Who’s there? Olive.                Olive who? O l’ve you. Happy Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s Day is exciting for little ones. Where children are together today, there will likely be special songs, stories, games, treats and other activities. At home, families may be doing some of these … Continue reading Happy Valentine’s Day! Learn and Play!