Art Music Drama

Art Fun: Performance Art for Kids

Performance art for kids is one way to combine singing, rhythm, dance, expression, and visual art and boost children’s self-esteem all at the same time. When children are part of an art production, it’s not just memorable and exciting for the kids, but for the families too. The performances become afternoons or evenings that connect many people of all ages in the community.

performance art for kidsAfter weeks of hearing Big Sister practice her butterfly song and dance routine, just a few days ago we got to see her on stage. So that Little Sister could see we sat as close as possible. There was quite a group of adults that had helped with costumes, directing, practicing, and supervising, but the stars were the children. It was a celebration of the amazing capabilities of our kids.

This was a school production but as I watched, it was easy to see the importance of all the learning that had happened at home beforehand and was still happening for the kids. School only builds on what parents and caregivers have already started.

performance art for kidsWhat were some of these? Obviously, language was one. Kids first learn to talk and communicate at home. Being able to follow instructions was another. For a performance, there are constant and complicated instructions. When singing, not only do children need to learn the songs but it’s really helpful if they have practiced singing along with others at home. As they sing in a group, kids make tiny changes to their voices and timing. Some previous practice makes this much easier. Noticing the rhythm, coordinating singing and moving, watching others for clues, and remembering the words and steps are also part of the package of skills.

performance art for kidsPerformance art takes a lot of brain power! It also takes some emotional skills like knowing how to wait, having to stay calm and patient, behaviors for being a member of a group, handling stress, and more. Seeing all those people in the audience can be pretty scary and kids need to feel confident even though they are nervous too. No matter the production, there are social and emotional demands for everyone.

Often, community groups and preschools will have opportunities for children to perform for an audience, with or without a stage. Performance activities are another form of art for kids and build on all those times when kids have said “Watch me.” Would your child like to do something for you and maybe others to enjoy today?

Arts Fun: Rhythm Activities for Kids

Rhythm activities for kids start from something as simple as clapping. This video shows an ultrasound of an unborn baby clapping as the parents sing!

While the actions of the soon-to-be baby are astonishing, rhythm is no surprise. It’s very definitely part of our lives. Breathing and heartbeat are two constant rhythms from the very beginning to the very end of life and in between there’s the rhythm of walking, running, language, music, and more. Our world has the rhythm of day-night and seasons with variations on a theme. Is it any wonder that much of our art work and art play has rhythm?

rhythm activities for kidsBesides clapping, rhythm activities for kids can include dancing, marching around, jumping, hopping, and other actions either with or without music. Kids can hit two rocks, sticks, or blocks together.  Homemade maracas can be assembled with some small objects in a tin, plastic bottle or egg, or other container. Look for durability when buying.

rhythm activities for kidsDrums are a fun toy for playing rhythms and can also be made at home. Drums could be pails, yogurt or other containers, or tins with lids. The floor makes a giant drum and, in the car, the back of the seat in front of a child seems to have a sign on it that says “drum here.”

Rhythms can be fast-slow, simple-complicated, and loud-soft and make different patterns. Kids can tap their own patterns and we can play some for them to copy.

rhythm activities for kidsFor older kids, it’s fun to play rhythm games. Have you seen videos and clips of clapping with cups? You can show some to your preschooler and see what kinds of patterns your child can do. Families can do some of these together and it’s not always the young ones that find it a challenge.

rhythm activities for kidsHands, feet, and other body parts can tap out different sounds. If you can, do some Hambone for your child or check out some Youtube Hambone videos. Some of the Hambone artists have very white hair! (Hambone is a sort of body-slapping, such as hitting the thighs, hands, chest, mouth, arms, etc to make a variety of sounds. Kids often do these kinds of actions.

Rhythm activities for kids are another form of art work play. Can you include some rhythm fun for a play-of-the-day for your child?

Arts Fun: Music Activities with Kids

May I Have This Dance?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOne of the easiest music activities with kids is to put on some music and dance around. From a very young age kids enjoy moving their body to music. There are pages and pages of YouTube videos of babies, toddlers, and preschoolers dancing. In the 4 min compilation below, short clips show more than 20 kids of various ages dancing to music.

childrens-371004_640-pbyLittle is needed in terms of materials for babies and kids to dance, just some music and a space to move. The floor is likely safer but as you can see in the video, kids will dance on the table and the sofa, inside the house or outside. Although on the surface, it doesn’t seem like any preparation is required, kids have had to learn how to move various body parts. As they move to music, they are not only figuring out how to coordinate a variety of actions they are also listening carefully to the sounds and rhythm and responding to that as well.

dance-xChildren will each have their own style as they dance to music while some of the ways kids move will imitate what they see. How children dance reflects the culture and the actions of adults. Kids will dance to all kinds of music and a variety of instruments. The music can be with or without accompanying words and the words themselves can be in any language. The music might be provided by parents and caregivers singing or just humming or maybe with a greeting card powered with a tiny battery. Kids themselves might make the music for their dancing.

Dancing is an activity enjoyed by people of any age. Just this weekend, I attended an afternoon of music at a seniors’ care home. Instead of holding on to a coffee table for support like a small child, some of the dancers were holding onto their walkers or just moving in their wheel chairs. For a play-of-the-day for your child–and you–can you put on some music and dance?

Art Fun: Musical Activities For Kids

Sometimes parents are reluctant to include musical activities for kids because they don’t think they sing well, know enough, or might do something wrong. These issues may hold them back from sharing wonderful experiences with kids. Do you have any of these concerns? Would you be surprised to learn that it’s okay if you don’t … Continue reading Art Fun: Musical Activities For Kids

Art Play: Drawing Activities For Young Children

Double Drawing Art Play Activity When it comes to drawing activities for young children, hopefully your child has never heard you say “I can’t draw.” Drawing isn’t something that you ‘can’ do or ‘cannot’ do. We can all draw but some people are much better than others. I am not someone who draws well. I … Continue reading Art Play: Drawing Activities For Young Children