Physical Development

Pirate Fun Activities For Kids #12: Movement

pirate activities for kidsFor some pirate fun, learning and kindergarten readiness, today’s play of the day is to move like a pirate. Movement activities are important for children’s healthy development, both bodies and brains.

Moving is one of the strategies that the brain uses for creating pathways that are used for learning. We all have an additional two senses: the sense of the body’s position in space and the sense of movement. Have you ever watched a very young child going round and round in a circle? That child is discovering how the body feels as it moves. Some kids like to pretend that they are falling or tripping over things. Again, they are exploring both movement and the body in space. Hanging upside down on the monkey bars is also a form of sensory play.

pirate activities for kidsHow do pirates move? They do things like walk the plank. Planks can be balance beams or often, kids will balance on the edge of a board or on a low fence. Pirates also climb rope ladders and many playgrounds have rope ladders as part of the equipment, or certainly monkey bars. Running is hard for pirates that have a wooden leg. By making one leg stiff, kids can pretend and try running that way. Pirates go up and down and all around as they move about on boats. Waves make boats go up and down like swings, teeter-totters, and riding toys.

A visit to the playground will give kids lots of ways to move, stretch, bend, and explore things their body can do, even if it’s not like pirates. Research is recognizing the importance of physical activity and showing the positive impact that it has on learning. Having some time for moving inside or outside or both, can be a real treasure, for pirates and kids. Can you dig up some time for this pirate activity?

Summer Fun, Learning, Eating and Cooking with Kids

Summer fun can happen in any room in the house and especially the kitchen; with all the wonderful veggies and fruits currently available, kids can help “cook” some great treats. Much more than kindergarten readiness, a positive attitude to healthy food choices is a life skill. The following words are from a friend who posted this on Facebook:

Jill Hamilton MartinSomething that really made an impact on me this past weekend was to realize what a bad role model we were for our children in the health and nutrition field as they were growing up. We were feeding them (and us) pizza 2-5 times a week, fast foods all the time while traveling–(of course the large fries!)–because it was cheep and fast, heavy starchy foods, breads, pastas, gravy, sweets all the time, all kinds of soft drinks, ice cream, etc. etc. You get my point. As I reflect back on the years that God has graced John and myself to raise our children, this is the one area we did not take seriously enough. We are learning more and more how important it is to feed our bodies proper nutrition. It has been so much fun this last year to make many changes in our lives – especially in the “food category”. We feel so much better … And younger!!”  (Jill Hamilton Martin)

I so appreciated this insight. As always, hindsight is 20-20 but these words can help others. Especially over the summer, we can involve children in the preparation of food and gently guide them to make good choices. Plus, there’s other fun and learning included. Some things that kids can help make are:summer fun and learning activities

  • fruit smoothies
  • fruits on a stick. Popsicle sticks are not as pointy but grownup hands need to help
  • fruits with dips. Yogurt thinned with a bit of juice or milk makes a fun dip.
  • veggies with dips. Plain yogurt or salad dressing can be thinned if needed.
  • fruit and/or veggie pictures. Kids can arrange food in patterns and designs. How food is presented is certainly part of it’s appeal and part of the fun.

These are just a few quick ideas. Do you have some “food for thought” when it comes to helping kids make healthy food choices?

Playground Fun, Learning & Kindergarten Readiness #2

Brains are wired to learn through sensory stimulation, and two important senses are movement and the sense of the body’s position in space. Yesterday’s post discussed the kindergarten readiness fun and learning that can happen on the playground in terms of ways the body moves. Today’s post is based on the body in space.

playground learning activitiesDecades ago there was a program on television called “Lost in Space”. Basically, that’s what babies are and they need to learn where in space their bodies are and where their body parts are in relation to each other. Toddlers and preschoolers are still learning this and need lots of experiences. Playgrounds are great places to explore all the ways a body can be in space. On the slide, the body is up and in less than a minute, it’s down. Sliding down fire pole is even faster for going from the top to the bottom. Bodies go back and forth in space on a swing. Hanging from the monkey bars is a way to explore being upside down. The feeling of space is very different at the top of the climber than it is down on the ground.

playground learning activitiesAt the playground, kids also get to try various combinations of body part togetherness. On the monkey bars hands are hanging down in the same position while on the climber one is up and one is down. That is the same case for feet. Walking on balance boards is especially challenging for body parts and body position. Before attempting the balance boards, kids can practice balancing and moving on benches. Most of the time, feet support and move the body in space, but at the playground hands can do that. Some playgrounds will have horizontal ladders or a series of rings where kids can swing across going from hand to hand.
Instead of being “Lost in Space” can your child be “Found at the Playground?”

Playgrounds For Fun, Learning & Kindergarten Readiness #1

For some families, summer vacation has started, for others it’s coming soon but for everyone there is fun, learning, and kindergarten readiness in the playground. It’s so much fun to climb, slide, swing, stretch, jump, run, push, pull, twist, turn, hang, balance, reach, bend, hop, and move in other ways. Plus, much learning is based … Continue reading Playgrounds For Fun, Learning & Kindergarten Readiness #1

Kindergarten Readiness Fun & Learning at the Playground

For children, the whole world might be their playground but there is something special about a playground space for all kinds of fun, learning, and kindergarten readiness. Even small neighborhood tot lots are great for moving and being outside. The dirt, grass, rocks, and puddles will all appeal to kids, as will the swings and … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness Fun & Learning at the Playground

Kindergarten Readiness: Conversations with Guest Experts #10

For each radio show on Learn and Play with Mrs A, I take notes because I’m learning so much about kids and kindergarten readiness from fascinating guests who are experts in a variety of areas. Each of them is passionate about kids and loves the work, or maybe that’s play? Here’s a play-of-the-day suggested from … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Conversations with Guest Experts #10

Kindergarten Readiness – Conversations with Guest Experts #6

For each radio show on Learn and Play with Mrs A, I take notes because I’m learning so much about kids and kindergarten readiness from fascinating guests who are experts in a variety of areas. Each of them is passionate about kids and loves the work, or maybe that’s play? Here’s a play-of-the-day suggested from … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Conversations with Guest Experts #6

Kindergarten Readiness – Valentine Movement Game

Kindergarten readiness fun and play ideas sometimes come from inspiration and sometimes from desperation, as in “desperate to think of an idea to use up some energy so the little ones would be happy to take a sit-for-a-minute break.” This one even includes hugs. To start grownups can ask the questions and kids can answer … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Valentine Movement Game

Kindergarten Readiness Goes to the Super Bowl

Kindergarten readiness can be part of the game anytime and anywhere, including at the Super Bowl. With the big game tomorrow will your family be watching? Balls that are football-shapes are quite tricky for little hands; round ones are easier and can be various sizes. At the park, or just in the backyard, grownups and … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness Goes to the Super Bowl

Kindergarten Readiness ABC’s – Y is for Yoga with Kids

The letter y is for yoga so today kindergarten readiness fun and learning gets to bend and stretch. Yoga for adults has many health and wellness benefits and even more so for children, including strength, flexibility, relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, concentration, focus, self-control, cooperation, balance, body awareness, coordination, and confidence, to name just a … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness ABC’s – Y is for Yoga with Kids