Movement Activities

Kindergarten & Pre-K Movement Activities for physical, social, and emotional development in early childhood. Fun for parents, educators & children.

Playgrounds For Fun, Learning & Kindergarten Readiness #1

For some families, summer vacation has started, for others it’s coming soon but for everyone there is fun, learning, and kindergarten readiness in the playground. It’s so much fun to climb, slide, swing, stretch, jump, run, push, pull, twist, turn, hang, balance, reach, bend, hop, and move in other ways. Plus, much learning is based on movement. Both bodies and brains get lots of exercise.

playground fun and learningIn the playground, children practice making their muscles do what they want. This requires a tremendous amount of brain activity and trial and error. Watch children learning to balance along a board. First, they practice just standing and trying to stay on before they begin to move. From just a few steps they soon can move their bodies and stay on until the end. Kids also learn to judge distances. We can see them looking at the space between rungs on the ladder before climbing. When to hang on and when to let go is another skill that kids need to learn. Have you ever seen a little one moving a hand back and forth several times before venturing to move a foot? Kids also have to learn how much energy is just right to pump the dinosaur, or duck, or horse rocker. Too much and they tip off. Kids solve problems and think in countless other ways as they play in the playground. From  the outside, we only see kids moving and having fun, but their bodies and their brains are both getting exercise.

Playgrounds are often favorite places to go because there are so many things to learn and do. There’s a variety of challenges and kids will find that they have figured out how to do something that they couldn’t do before. Because they are growing quite quickly, they will be surprised to find they can reach a piece of equipment that was just too big only a few weeks earlier. Is there time in your day for some fun and learning on the playground?

Kindergarten Readiness: Sensory Play for May #2

Sensory play is one of the strategies that the brain uses for creating connections that will be used in all kinds of learning, including kindergarten readiness. An additional two senses are the sense of the body’s position in space and the sense of movement. Have you ever watched a very young child going round and round in a circle? That child is discovering how the body feels as it moves. Some kids like to pretend that they are falling or tripping over things. Again, they are exploring both movement and the body in space. Hanging over the edge of the bed or the sofa upside down is also sensory play.movement activities for young children

Many kids’ games such as Ring Around The Rosie and others are a form of sensory play. Do your little ones like to play The Bumpy Road where you bounce them on your knees up and down just a little bit over a smooth road, then a bumpy road, a rough road and finally, a hole in the road, where you tip them over and catch them? One child at a time of course, but even the older ones will line up for a turn.

sensory activities for kidsNot all houses have a big space for big body play, but smaller areas like hallways will work. Kids can slither, hop, creep, crawl, swim, and more. Suggest a few animals and have your child show how they move. Another inside activity is trying some yoga poses. Tell your child that he or she is now a creature from outer space called a jumparoo and send the alien off to a spot to jump for a minute–but not on the bed. A couple of dozen jumps will take the frenzy off an energy level and maybe give you a calmer minute or two…occasionally. Kids can move stiffly like robots too or in slow motion. Putting on some music and letting your child dance is another way to explore movement and body position. It’s also fun for grownups.
What are some other ways to encourage movement activities and sensory play?

Kindergarten Readiness Fun & Learning at the Playground

For children, the whole world might be their playground but there is something special about a playground space for all kinds of fun, learning, and kindergarten readiness. Even small neighborhood tot lots are great for moving and being outside. The dirt, grass, rocks, and puddles will all appeal to kids, as will the swings and slides. There is a need for more supervision that a fenced backyard but several families can meet for playground-dates.
developing kindergarten readiness
At the playground, children will play on the equipment differently. Some children are very risk-tolerant and will want to try everything, some are risk-aversive and will need encouragement. Part of the time, kids can also direct their own exploration and adventures. Parents get to practice balancing and juggling safety versus standing back.

developing kindergarten readinessSome of the benefits of time at the playground are obvious, such as strengthening muscles and developing coordination, getting fresh air in and excess energy out. Children also practice social skills as they share and take turns. Sometimes, they need to negotiate with playmates as they interact. Kids practice problem-solving, making choices, and language skills. Besides these and others, little ones are developing big connections to nature.

For another play-of-the-day that starts with a p (April starts with a p), is there an opportunity for you and your child to have some fun and learning time at the playground?

Kindergarten Readiness: Doin’ The Easter Bunny Hop

Because so much of children’s early learning is done “on the move” today’s kindergarten readiness learn and fun play-of-the-day is also “on the move”. That is, it is on the hop. Besides the 5 senses, there are 2 more: the sense of the body’s position in space and the sense of movement. We’ve all seen … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Doin’ The Easter Bunny Hop

Kindergarten Readiness – Valentine Movement Game

Kindergarten readiness fun and play ideas sometimes come from inspiration and sometimes from desperation, as in “desperate to think of an idea to use up some energy so the little ones would be happy to take a sit-for-a-minute break.” This one even includes hugs. To start grownups can ask the questions and kids can answer … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Valentine Movement Game

Kindergarten Readiness ABC’s – Y is for Yoga with Kids

The letter y is for yoga so today kindergarten readiness fun and learning gets to bend and stretch. Yoga for adults has many health and wellness benefits and even more so for children, including strength, flexibility, relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, concentration, focus, self-control, cooperation, balance, body awareness, coordination, and confidence, to name just a … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness ABC’s – Y is for Yoga with Kids

Kindergarten Readiness ABC`s – S is for Space

Kindergarten readiness needs lots of space–the kind that kids need for moving around, spreading out their toys, and that we don’t seem to have enough of in the house. Especially when the weather means the kids can’t go outside. Children’s physical development is important for bodies and it also important for brains. As babies figure … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness ABC`s – S is for Space

Kindergarten Readiness ABC`s – A is for Action not Academics

When you think of helping your child with kindergarten readiness would your first thought be “Academics”? While we used to believe that children who struggled in school needed academic preparation before starting kindergarten, more recent studies are showing that readiness is a much broader package. Readiness needs to be age appropriate, based on development and … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness ABC`s – A is for Action not Academics

Kindergarten Readiness – Physical Movement Christmas Fun

With such busy lists at Christmas time, it should be easy to fit in some movement activities for kindergarten readiness fun and learning. Children seem to have extra switches for being active but that could be because so much brain development occurs from moving. Besides the other 5 senses we are all born with 2 … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Physical Movement Christmas Fun

Kindergarten Readiness: Halloween Learning & Movement Fun

For kids, what could be more fun than lots of moving, and moving is mandatory for brain development, early learning and kindergarten readiness.  A large part of learning for young children is exploring how the body moves and it’s position in space. With so many different possibilities to choose from Halloween is a great time … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Halloween Learning & Movement Fun